The St. Vincent De Paul Society is an international volunteer organization of Catholic lay men and women who work to help needy members of the community. We're always looking for a helping hand!
Volunteer Opportunities:
Join a home delivery team.
Help with the monthly sorting and stocking of food.
Help pack Alliance food for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Help distribute Alliance food for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Help sort and pack Christmas gifts for SVDP.
Help sort and pack Christmas and Thanksgiving food for SVDP.
Contribute to Bundle Weekend.
Help load the SVDP truck on Bundle Weekend.
Donate used furniture.
Pick-up and deliver furniture.
Contribute to the Fifth Sunday collection or to the Poor Box near the church exits.
Help at the Alliance Food Pantry (Monday, Thursday, Saturday morning 9-Noon, Tuesday 5-7 PM).
Volunteer to help with the Alliance Wellness Activities the third Tuesday of the month.
Nurses are needed to do blood pressure screenings.