Pastoral Council is the primary advisory committee with whom the pastor and the administrative staff consult on matters of parish policy. The council is composed of nine members who are elected through the discernment process. The pastor is considered an ex-officio member of the council. Members of Pastoral Council serve three year terms but cannot serve more than two consecutive terms. The Pastoral Council year runs from June until May.
The purpose of the Council is to explore and study with the pastor, matters of a pastoral nature; this is those areas of life that touch the spiritual and faith development of the parish members. It also serves as a consultative body to the pastor by making evaluations and recommendations, and provides an effective vehicle for planning and communication within the parish. While Council makes sure planning moves forward, it neither assumes an expertise that is more appropriate to another parish group, nor involves itself in the administration of the parish.
Parish Council meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month in the school meeting room. All regularly scheduled meetings are open to the parish. Anyone wishing to bring an issue to the Council for consideration may do so by notifying the President of the topic to be discussed at least one week before the meeting and by requesting to be placed on the meeting agenda.
3rd Monday of the month in the Meeting Room
The current Pastoral Council members are: