Bereavement Ministry members work with families who have recently lost a loved one in order to discuss and help plan, with them, the funeral liturgy. When there is a death, funeral arrangements are made by the family with the funeral home. Once the date and time of the funeral liturgy are confirmed with the Church, Bereavement ministry is notified and makes contact with the family to meet and talk about the Mass.
Bereavement Ministers can function as planners, greeters, lectors, and/or Eucharistic ministers. The Liturgy planners are the ones who offer to meet with the family to plan the liturgy and then follow through with planning as necessary. They also are present for the Mass and help by coordinating the family members and volunteers before and during the Mass and working with the presider and music director to make sure all goes well. New planners are trained by experienced Bereavement ministers and are not assigned to a bereaved family until they feel ready. Planning materials and resources are supplied and explained well in advance. The guidelines of the General Instruction and the Roman Missal are followed, as well as archdiocesan and parish guidelines to ensure a beautiful and prayerful funeral liturgy.
Greeters act as ushers through the Funeral Mass, working with the funeral directors as needed and being present for those gathered. Lectors and Eucharistic ministers are called upon as needed for service at funeral liturgies.
Bereavement planners presently available are: